What Examiners Look in Your Thesis
Your completed thesis will generally be sent to independent examiners for examination. Your examiners will certainly be highly qualified and competent in the discipline, and probably experts in your particular disciplinary area. The PhD thesis is the document that defines your transition from student to scholar. Examiners often start reading a thesis with enthusiasm, anticipating an interesting and intellectually challenging work. Examiners often express appreciation for being given the opportunity to assess an original and well-presented thesis. It would appear that many examiners initially glance first at the abstract and then the introduction to the thesis, before embarking on a formal assessment process.

The introductory chapter therefore has the potential to enthuse the examiner and indicate that this is a worthwhile research or alternatively it can indicate a poorly conceived and presented study. Which can lower your worth in the examiners minds, do remember that the examiners are not out to get rather are interested in your research. You are the expert of your field. They look for the candidate to show the familiarity, understand and relevant literature to their field. If the thesis provides comprehensive study of the topic if the research findings are suitably set out and accompanied by the adequate exposition. The quality of the English language and its general presentation is mandatory if the candidate understands the relationship to the wider context of knowledge in which it belongs to. You can make a great thesis by simply giving it;
- Clarity
- Justification
- Supporting evidence
- Critical interpretation and reflection
- Coherence
- Originality
Things to Remember;
Always be ready to state your claims for the thesis. You should know what to say about how and why you made contribution on chosen subject. Consider the potential implications of your research and always think of breaking new grounds. You can take help from dissertation writing services to do so. Remember to always be confident in your work. Always be confident in your expertise and make the benefits of the knowledge you have gained explicit to your readers. Provide the examiner not just with an exposition of what have done but also reflect on your research choices. Always be willing to demonstrate why and how your research is original and has added something new to what is already know to them.
There can be number of things that can discourage your examiner about your thesis. If your thesis is overlong and it consists of extra smaller fonts and there is a lack of proof-reading or whether a lack of clarity and coherence in the first chapter. You should remember not to give your examiner the wrong impression by not dealing with the mechanics of putting the thesis together. Always be sure not to produce a collection of chapters that contain description of your chosen question but contains little analysis. Never think the findings speak for themselves always explicit about your content which gives meaning and contribution to your chosen question of thesis. The results of the research be clearly documented and fully explain showing its relevance.
October 27th, 2016